中華民國總統─馬英九 |
美國總統─歐巴馬 |
梵蒂岡教宗─方濟 |
聯合國秘書長─安南(Kofi Annan) |
加拿大總理─保羅馬丁(Paul Martin) |
德國總理─梅克爾(Merkel) |
中華人民共合國 主席─習近平 |
英國首相─布萊爾 |
韓國總統─盧武鉉 |
奧地利總理(Wolfgang Schüssel)許塞爾 |
法國總統─席哈克 |
澳洲總理─霍華德 |
日本首相─野田佳彥 |
芬蘭總理─范哈南 |
親愛的歐巴馬總統您好: Dear President Barack Hussein Obama Jr.: 這是一個來自台灣小女孩的祈求,這個祈求,並不是為了自己,而是代表這 個世界上失落的一隅。因為他們,我才有這份勇氣。請連結此網。 This is a supplication form a little girl in Taiwan. It is not for herself, but for a lost place in the world. Because of people there, I have the courage to write to you. Please link to this website. 在西方的民主進步國家,最重視的是兒童福利。兒童是國家未來的棟樑,因此必須讓他們在安全的環境下成長,讓他們在健全的教育體制下茁壯,未來才有希望。上述的論點,在美國身上得到強而有力的印證,不論在經濟、科技、教育,都是世界的表率。 People in the progressive and democratic countries of the western world cannot emphasize more on child welfare. Without building a safe environment and a healthy education system for children, pillars of future countries, to grow up, people will not have hopes in the future. The United States of America, the pioneer in economy, science and other areas, is exactly the perfect exemplification of the argument above. 位於東南亞中南半島的柬埔寨,是個經過內戰荼毒,千瘡百孔的一個國家。內戰使這裡貧窮落後,物資缺乏。因此柬埔寨的小孩看起來都比實際年齡小,因為整個世代的營養不良,讓他們身型縮小,但孩童們還是開心的在一起嬉戲,或是認真勤奮的工作,他們都是難民,但是活潑快樂取代了絕望與恐怖的面容;熱情奔放的活力,讓我們忘卻難民本該有的飢餓瘦弱。 Cambodia, a country in the Southeast Asia, is miserably injured by civil wars. Goods and materials are scarce. Children here look much thinner than in their actual age for the malnutrition of a whole generation. They, however, still play together happily and work very hard. They are all refugees, but happiness and vivacity replace hopelessness and fear. Their enthusiasm makes me forget their hunger and emaciation in exile. 我在他們身上看到永續不斷的生命力,但是卻找尋不到「生機」,因為他們缺少了「教育」來作為他們最牢固的重建基底。這裡的學校不多,因此不是每個小孩都能受教育。這些學校設備都很簡陋,甚至沒有廁所、水龍頭,衛生條件令人憂心忡忡。但是這並不代表他們不想擁有,相反地,他們比任何人都還迫切渴望走入知識殿堂中。 I see continual and unceasing force of life on them. I, however, can’t find vitality because they don’t have “education” to be their firmest reconstruction basis. Schools here are not enough for all children. In addition, the equipments of schools are all very deficient and crude: no lavatory and faucet, the hygienic condition makes people anxious. They want to have a perfect education system. They are eager to obtain knowledge than anyone else. 在文明社會的我們,很難去想像那到底是一個怎樣的世界,孩子沒有受教育的權利,超過一半以上的人口不識字。「教育」是一種最慢但最實際的復活方式,讓他們面向現代化,面向世界,面向未來的最佳工具;沒有教育,就等於是一個沒有發展前途的社會,紛亂且無秩序的未來。 Living in civilization, it is difficult for us to image that children have no right to be educated and that over half of the population in a country is illiterate. Education is the slowest but the most realistic way of revival. Education is the best tool to help people to face the modernization, the world and the future. Without Education, there will be no prospect of development. 因此,柬埔寨的未來與教育息息相關,在當地也有許多國際組織在默默耕耘,但是他們卻沒有足夠的資源徹底執行,您是充滿熱情、理想而且慈祥的長者,您的一點關懷,抵過當地政府的千百個承諾,您的一個指令,就能爲數十萬個失學兒童圓夢。因此,我在這裡誠摯的懇求,懇求您能散播一點仁愛到柬埔寨,您的偉大付出,能讓這個國家受用無窮,您所能帶動的群起效應,將能讓這個國家得到更多幫助與感動。 Therefore, the future of Cambodia is interrelated with education. There are many NGOs devoting themselves in Cambodia, but they don’t have enough resources to solve this problem. You are a senior who have enthusiasm, ideal and charity. Your care has more effect than the local government. Your instruction can make the dreams of hundreds of thousands of children who want to go to school come true. For this reason, I implore you to spread kindness to Cambodia. Your concern is very helpful for this country. The public effect you bring can help this country get much assistance. 我們常說,世界上最美麗的東西,就是孩童純真無邪的笑容,吟鈴般的笑聲可以化解百憂,比任何抗憂解壓的藥物更受用。如果真是如此,您是否願意當作他們歡笑的泉源,讓數十萬個孩童將您們牢牢的記在心頭?因為您們的伸出援手,他們才能幻想「以後」。 We always say that the most beautiful thing in the world is a child's innocently smiling face. The laugh chanting like the bell ring can dissolve our gloom; it’s more useful than any medicine. If it is real, are you willing to be their fountainhead of laughing? Hundreds of thousands of children will remember you forever. Because of your help, they can image “future.” 孩子能在蘢蔥蓊鬱的綠樹及美麗蔚藍的晴空下成長,能在以愛心搭建起來的學校快樂學習,那般的和諧的感覺,就像是天堂。 Children can grow up in a place with many green trees and blue sky. They can study in a school which is built with love. The harmonious feeling is like heaven. 當您看著自己的子孫開心的草原上奔跑,興奮的告訴您學校有多麼有趣熱 鬧,請您想起,有些國家的子民正在受到煎熬,歡笑和落寞形成強烈的對比,我們,又怎能獨善其身? When your descendants are running on a green grass happily and are telling you excitingly how interesting life in schools is, please remember some people in other country are suffering. Contrasting joy with sorrow, how can we conduct ourselves virtuously? 請呵護,柬埔寨,愛的教育宣言─ 謹代表柬埔寨的失學兒童奉上此信 Please cherish the new love education declaration of Cambodia. I present this letter for the children in poverty in Cambodia. Wish you the best Sincerely,Hsin-Ling Shen |