¡± Simple
Future Tense
will / shall¡£^¡¤ + Root Form
We shall go to Shanghai tomorrow.
He will graduate next year.
¨ä¹ê¡A¡uwill / shall¡£^¡¤ + Root Form¡v³oºØ§ÎºAªº
A ²Õ
B ²Õ
C ²Õ
¥D¨¤·NÄ@ + ±N¨Ó
Á¿ªÌ / ¹ï¤è·NÄ@ + ±N¨Ó
( We ) will / shall (^) go.
I ( We ) will go.
I ( We ) will go.
You ( You ) will go.
( You ) will go.
( You ) shall go.
( They ) will go.
He ( They ) will go.
( They ) shall go.
I will be ten year old next year.
Will you go there again?
No, I will not go there again.
Will you go with me tomorrow?
Yes, I will go with you tomorrow.
How old will I be next year?
You will be ten years old next year.
You will go with me tomorrow.
You shall learn English for three years.
He will be ten years old next year.
Will he go with me tomorrow?
Yes, he will go with you tomorrow.
Shall he go with me tomorrow?
Yes, he shall go with you tomorrow.
1. ³oÓ¤p«Ä±N·|¬O¤Q¤G·³¡C
2. §An§Ú°e³o«Ê«H¶Ü¡H
3. ¤U¬P´Á§Ú¨û¤÷±N±q¬ü°ê¦^¨Ó¡C
4. §A®e³\¥L°µ³o¥ó¨Æ¶Ü¡H
5. ¥LÄ@·N³o¼Ë°µ¶Ü¡H
6. §Ú¨M©w©ú¤Ñ±´³X¥L¡C
7. §A®e³\§Ú©M§Aªº¨à¤lª±²y¶Ü¡H
8. §A±N¤£¥i¯d¦b³oùØ¡C
9. §A¤µ±ß¦³ªÅ¶Ü¡H
10. ¦A¹L¨â¤T¤é§Ú±N¦b¬ü°ê¡C